My place, My take

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Blogger's Block

I've had a great deal of writer's block and couldn't really decide what I'm gonna make this post about. So, I've decided that I'm just gonna type whatever pops into that little sphere between my ears.

A few days back, we had International Day at school. Different countries in different tents all showcasing their food, music, clothes....etc. There were ten participating countries (Sad, thinking that there are over forty nationalities at school, but pretty good for a first time event at our school). Nonethless, what I found strange is as follows. I was part of the India - Pakistan stall (Yes, we mixed the two countries) and was put to work with the 20 or so other desis (term used to identify South Asians without specifiying nationality), who don't know me or each other that well. However, for some strange reason, there was no awkwardness or no need to "break the ice." We managed to put it all together like we had known each other for ages. It's even stranger when you consider that we don't share a common religion - there were Christians, Muslims and Hindus in group, a common language - people spoke, Hindu, Urdu, Malayalam, Telegu, nor a common passport. I guess its just that secular spirit that comes with being desi.

Anyhow, today's the last day of lent :)! I can have all the meat in the world tommorow. For, those of you who aren't too sure of what I'm talkin about, lent is a 40 (50 for some) day period before Easter were you don't eat meat (other methods are also practiced, but thats how I do it). Through out this period, alotta people have asked why I actually do it because I'm really not forced to do it. Well, apart from the obvious religious reasons, I think its good to be able to be in control of you want and build some willpower.

Today's April 15th. Graduation is May 31st. That seems so close now. But, I really cant wait any longer. By the way, your's truly is the class's valedictorian; I really dunno what I'm gonna say though.

I think thats about all I want to blog about for today. And I doubt I'm gonna do that "type-what-you-think" technique again. I think way faster than I type. That causes some kinda mental traffic.

PS: I think you all have to seriously check out Noor's Green Print. I can't get over how amazing she writes - and she writes about things that matter, especially if you live in the Arab World.


Blogger Unknown said...

hey mathew!

omg, i get an honorable mention on your blog? how blessed am i?! lol.

anyhoo, i really liked the bit about you and your little desi group. it's amazing how common blood can bring people together. (or, sadly, tear them apart.)

keep up the blogging!

8:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wat a guy~
i'm so proud of u! i feel like a parent right now... i dont wanna see u go tho! i'll miss you a whoooooooooole lot!!!! and i wont have anyone to tell my ongoin soap opera's to!
so u better take care of urself and stay in touch!!

11:23 PM


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