Apologies, a Taxi and More.
Wow! It's been ages since I've written something here! Well, I guarantee you I've got good reasons. I've been swamped with work lately. Piles and piles of work, projects and tests...one after the other. And that's why I swore to myself that I'd post something here before the weekend ends.
Anyways, I got into a taxi down in Sharjah on Wednesday to get back home and in the 45 min that followed, I had a very interesting conversation with the driver. I asked him how old he was and he answers saying he isn't sure but its somewhere between 21 and 28!! Turns out some document of his says 21, while the other says 28. C'mon!!, he didn't know how old he is! That little piece of information we take for granted wasn't known to someone. Crazy eh? It doesn't stop there.
Apparently, he got married when he was in Grade 8. Fortunately (and shockingly), he finished Grade 8 only 6 years ago...so when he was somewhere inbetween 15-22 (depending on what his age is now). Also, he didn't see his wife before or during the marriage! I dunno how that's possible. Perhaps, where he comes from, the groom and the bride are in two different rooms during the wedding ? Unfortunately, we were at my gate before I could find out.
On a lighter note, what's with the sudden rain in Dubai? I haven't seen the place so wet in the six years that I've lived here. I'm not complaining though. We spend so much time bickering over how hot and dry it is here that it would seem almost hypocritical to complain about this too. The change is welcome.
Anyways, people please comment on what I write. Like I said earlier, I'd like to hear what you've got to say.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah,, oh mateo how u crack me up. how can his parents not know if he was 22 or 28! i mean ... was it like, wen he was born they werent sure wether he was 0 or 6??? hahahah.. "congradulations ma'am you've just given birth to a healthy baby, or boy" haha .. or or .."here is my baby boy, he almost a week old now, or a 8 years and a week old, we'r not too sure"". ok ok i gatta stop
8:28 PM
yeah long time since you have posted..
about the taxi driver---maybe he was taking you for a ride..or else he's just insane..
8:16 PM
anish, no im sure this guy was honest and wasn't taking me for a ride. he was too innocent for that.
anonymous (im sure its isra), i see ur point. but he was just too honest for it not to be true. perhaps, he never knew his real parents and was an adopted child?
1:02 AM
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